では実際に反省をしてみましょう / Now, let’s practice reflection


  Did any of the preceding chapters interest you? If you became interested in the world of consciousness and would like to look into your heart, please begin with reflecting on your thoughts toward your mother, your belief in outer sources of powers, and everyday life.
  Meditating by following your own idea of meditation is dangerous. Please be sure to begin with reflecting on your thoughts toward your mother.


■ ノートをひろげ「お母さんの反省」をしてみましょう。







(1) Reflecting on your thoughts toward your mother

■ Open a notebook and reflect on your thoughts toward your mother

Write whatever you can remember from birth till today about your mother, the person closest to you, i.e. your mother who gave you birth.

The point is not to write what your mother did but what kind of thoughts you had about her. Write anything that comes to mind. There is no need to try to remember anything special; start with everyday things.

We originally are consciousnesses. Infants floating inside their mother’s womb; such consciousnesses are our true selves. Protected inside our mothers’ warmth, worried about nothing, simply trusting ourselves with our mother; we used to trust everything with our mother. However, once we are born into a physical body, the older we get, the filthier we become. Our need to compete, our sense of jealousy, desire to control, and greed for money and honor are all filth that we built out of our belief that our physical bodies are ourselves.

The life we are living is not only that of this lifetime. We are carrying inside us tens and thousands of our past selves. Believing that our physical bodies are ourselves, in order to satisfy our bodies, we pursued honor and power, floating further and further away from our own plan we prepared for ourselves to return to the world of consciousness.

We originated from the world of consciousness and went through a process of filling our hearts with filth; this is similar to the process of our birth followed by growth. We were given life so that we can correct our mistakes we’ve been repeatedly making in our past lives. Whether you remember your past lives or not, if you look into your heart, you will feel an extremely long history of mistakes your heart made, drifting away from the correct direction.

Let’s look into our hearts together. Let’s trace our thoughts we turned toward our mother, realize what mistakes we’ve been making, and return to our true selves inside our mothers’ wombs.

■ つぎの要領で、お母さんの反省をしていきましょう。

a お母さんにしてもらったこと
b お母さんを困らせたり、泣かせたり、馬鹿にしたり……

まず、a b について、つぎの順序で思い出してみる。

① 就学前
② 小学校低学年
③ 小学校高学年
④ 中学校


■ Please reflect on your thoughts toward your mother by looking into your heart for the following items:

a. Things your mother did for you
b. Things you did, which troubled your mother or made her cry; times you made fun of your mother, blamed her for something, or judged her for something

Begin remembering things/times in a. and b.in the following order:

(1) Before entering school,
(2) 1st to 3rd year of elementary school,
(3) 4th to 6th year of elementary school, and
(4) Junior high school.

What were your thoughts toward how your mother looked, what she said, and what she did; remember what you felt in your heart.

In a notebook, write what thoughts you have had toward being given birth from your mother.
(When writing, think about the situation of your family and your country around the time you were born.)

(2) 他力の反省をする





(2) Reflecting on your thoughts toward your belief in outer sources of powers

The biggest mistake we made was believing that our physical body was us. Beliefs in outer sources of powers also begin when one believes his/her physical body to be him/herself. To satisfy our physical body or to relieve our worries, we make up gods, put our hands together and pray to them, and worship them. Whenever we’re doing so, our heart is in the wrong place.

Please look into your heart about times when you had put your hands together for prayer. Please look into your heart about times when you resorted to religions for salvation. The point in “Reflecting on your thoughts toward your belief in outer sources of powers” is not that you did something wrong by joining a religious group or by reading someone’s book; rather, it is to look into your heart about the times when you did such things.

Why did you put your hands together for prayer, or join such religious group? “Reflecting on your thoughts toward your belief in outer sources of powers” is to look into your heart for your motivation for doing such things.

Unless we reflect on our thoughts toward our belief in outer sources of powers, even if we try to direct our heart in the direction of our true selves, we end up directing our heart in the direction of our made-up gods that satisfy our physical needs. That is because our hearts have only been directed in such directions for long.
(As I’ve repeatedly said, the point is not to look outward but to look inward, i.e. look into your heart for your thoughts turned toward the religious group’s leader. Others are there only to reflect your heart as mirrors, i.e. people to learn from.)

(他力信仰の反省 参考)

a あなたが入信したことのある教団を思い出してください。

b 入信した動機は何ですか。

1 先祖供養 
2 因縁解消 
3 病気平癒 
4 商売繁盛 
5 超能力開発 
6 立身出世 
7 交通安全 
8 結婚・夫婦の調和 
9 悟道 
10 合格・学業成就 
11 過去世、守護霊を知りたい

(Reference: Reflecting on your thoughts toward outer sources of powers)

a. Please remember which religious groups you joined

b. Why did you join a religious group?

1. Repose of ancestors
2. Fate improvement
3. Illness recovery
4. Business development
5. Supernatural power development
6. Career success
7. Road safety
8. Marriage/relationship harmony
9. Enlightenment
10. Academic success
11. Knowledge on past life/guardian spirit



(3) Reflection on your thoughts in everyday life

Please look into your heart for instantaneous moves between feelings toward your husband/wife, mother-in-law/daughter-in-law, coworker, and friend.