7. 次元移行と天変地異 / Dimensional Migration and Natural Disasters


  I believe the preceding chapters were relatively easy to understand, with them being matters deeply related to our daily life, i.e. “reflection on one’s thoughts toward one’s mother,” “reflection on one’s beliefs in outer sources of powers,” and “reflection on everyday life.” However, now, we will be dealing with dimensional migration, a world as unrelated from our daily life as things can be.
  What relates us to dimensional migration are natural disasters. The Earth will soon come to an end and we will be entering a new stage of looking into our heart, i.e. dimensional migration.
  As long as one sees dimensions as aspects of the physical world, entering the next stage will be as impossible as grabbing a cloud.
  Dimensional migration is only understandable with one’s heart, not with one’s head.
  In this section, Ms. Kayo Shiokawa will offer some messages from the world of consciousness as clues to some of the questions we received.

Q. なぜ、天変地異が起こるのでしょうか?

A. 天変地異、それも未曽有の天変地異が起こってこなければ、私達人間の目は覚めません。本当のことを知らずに、醜い汚い自己中心的な思いばかりを垂れ流してきた心をドーンと突き動かすために、未曽有の天変地異が最後の手段として起こってきます。私達の思い、考え、価値基準を根底から覆す何かとは、もう天変地異しかありません。それも、想像を絶する規模の天変地異、まさに未曾有の天変地異です。何もかも容赦なく形の世界が崩れ去っていく体験の中で、やっと、自分達が何かを間違えてきたと感じ始める人が増えてきます。私達はこれまでに、天変地異が起こるたびに、もう二度とこんなことは起きませんようにと祈りの思いを流してきました。神の怒りに触れたと神を恐れてきました。あるいは、これほど救ってください、助けてくださいと奉り、祈りを捧げてきたのに、神は、仏は何もしてくれなかったと、恨み呪いの思いを出していきました。

Q. Why do natural disasters occur?
  Is it true that natural disasters of an unprecedented scale are
  about to occur?

A. We will never awaken unless natural disasters of an unprecedented scale occur. Natural disasters of an unprecedented scale are about to occur as a last resort, in order to strike our heart, which has always been ignorant of the truth and emitting greedy, filthy, and selfish thoughts. Natural disasters are the only way to fundamentally change our mode of thinking, beliefs, and values. Natural disasters of an unimageable scale, a truly unprecedented scale will be required. With natural disasters mercilessly destroying everything in the physical world, people will finally begin to feel that they have been doing something wrong. In the past, every time a natural disaster occurred, we hoped that the same thing will not happen again and expressed thoughts of prayers. Sometimes, we believed we had made God upset and feared God. Other times, having asked for salvation and given prayers in vain, we held grudge against and cursed God and Buddha.

However, all that was our mistake. Have you ever even seen God, needless to say, “God upset?” Do you know what the energy of prayers are like? How selfish we are, holding grudge against and cursing God and Buddha all the sudden our prayers are not answered! We must look into our heart and face the result of expanding our ignorant selfish thoughts. We must directly face them and learn how we always fought against our true selves, i.e. love, and repent of our mistakes. Our true selves are love. We are about to bring natural disasters to ourselves, to awaken ourselves, because we are love.

Q. 日本の国は滅んでいくのでしょうか?

A. はい、滅んでいきます。アマテラスの意識が現象化した日本の国は、アマテラスの目覚めとともに、その形は滅んでいきます。形の消滅です。

Q.Is Japan going to collapse?

A. Yes, it is. Japan is a materialization of Amaterasu’s consciousness. Therefore, with the awakening of Amaterasu, Japan will collapse, i.e. lose its physical form.

Amaterasu will sink Japan down the sea with joy. Amaterasu will awaken to its love inside itself, migrate this dimension, and evolve even further.

Q. 日本の国が滅んでいくのは天照大御神と関係があるのですか?

A. もちろん、関係があります。闇黒の宇宙、アマテラスの目覚めにより、天照大御神もまた、誇ってきた自分の世界の小ささに気付いていくのです。本当に小さかったと気付きます。そして、我こそは神なりの思いを崩していきます。日本の国が消滅していくのは、天照大御神の世界が崩れ去っていくからです。天照大御神を奉っている土地、地域が壊滅状態になっていきます。天照大御神を奉っている土地、地域は日本の国至るところにあります。思いが変わっていけば、それを映す現象が変わっていくことを示しているのです。

Q. Does Amaterasu-ōmikami (the great august deity who shines in heaven) have anything to do with Japan collapsing?

A. Of course, she does. With the awakening of the dark universe, Amaterasu, Amaterasu-ōmikami will also realize the triviality of her great world. Realizing how trivial her world was, she will abolish her thoughts of being a mighty deity. Japan will collapse because the world of Amaterasu-ōmikami will collapse. Regions revering Amaterasu-ōmikami will begin to undergo destruction. There are regions revering Amaterasu-ōmikami all around Japan. This example illustrates how, when one’s thoughts turn to the correct direction, phenomena mirrored in such thoughts also change.

Q. この学びでいう「アマテラス」と「天照大御神」は関係ありますか?

A. 関係があるかと問われたら、関係がありますと答えます。関係があると知ったならば、次に出てくる質問は、どういう関係なのかということだと思います。そういうことは、学びをしていくうえにおいて、重要なことではありませんが、簡単に言うと、天照大御神という世界は、アマテラスの世界に包括されているということです。つまり、アマテラスの世界が変わっていくにつれて、天照大御神の世界も変わっていきます。

Q. Does “Amaterasu” that appears in this study have anything to do with Amaterasu-ōmikami?

A. Yes, it does. Now, your next question must be “In what way?” The answer to this question is not important for pursuing this study but, in brief, the world of Amaterasu-ōmikami is contained in the world of Amaterasu. In other words, changes in the world of Amaterasu will influence the world of Amaterasu-ōmikami. In terms of their force and size of energy, there is a large gap between the two.

We refer to Amaterasu as a dark universe. Of course, there are other dark universes besides Amaterasu. However, among all dark universes, at this point, we are focusing on one, i.e. Amaterasu, and the reason for that has already been explained.

Q. 次元移行とは、なんでしょうか?

A. 文字通り次元を移して行くということです。今、私達がいる次元は、三次元と呼ばれています。この世界にはいわゆる縦、横、高さがあります。立体的な世界です。エネルギーである私達は、この三次元で地球という星に、立体的な肉という形を携えて何億年とお世話になってきました。

Q. What is dimensional migration?

A. As the words say, dimensional migration is to migrate from one dimension to another. The dimension we exist in now is called the third dimension. In this world, we have length, width, and height; hence, its three dimensional. We are energies that were given a physical body and have been living on this planet Earth in a three-dimensional world for some hundred million years.

We prepared for ourselves so many opportunities to be born with physical functions needed to live on Earth and then die and transmigrate. Why did we need these opportunities?

We are invisible consciousnesses, vibrations, and energies that originally came to this physical world because we needed such physical forms as eyes, ears, and all other parts of our body to know about ourselves. Before we even came to this three-dimensional world, we had the question “why do we need to continue to suffer?” However, so far, in our transmigrated lives in this three-dimensional world, we have not been able to reach a clear answer to that question and been only suffering even more. That was because, even though we asked for a physical body so that we can learn about ourselves, once we were given a body, we came to believe our body was ourselves and completely misdirected ourselves. Tomekichi Taike was born into a physical body from the world of truth this lifetime with the following message “Let’s readjust our misdirected path.”

Q. 次元移行できないと、どうなるのでしょうか?

A. 宇宙のもくずとなって彷徨い続けます。ただ彷徨っているというのではなくて、苦しみの奥底で彷徨い続けるということです。どれだけの時を経ていくのか、想像もつきません。もちろん、地球上に肉という形を持って生まれてくるということはできません。地球という星は、私達人間が住める環境ではなくなっているからです。では、地球以外に生息可能な星があって、そこに適したものを備えてくるのかどうなのか、それは定かではありません。ただ、その確率は非常に低いでしょう。やはり宇宙のもくずという表現が的を得ていると思います。

Q. What happens, if one fails to dimensionally migrate?

A. One will become scraps floating around space; not just floating around but doing so in the depths of pain for an unimaginably long time. Of course, one will not be able to be born into Earth with a physical body. That is because, by that time, Earth will no longer be livable. I do not know whether there will be other planets livable and whether one will adapt him/herself to such planets. However, that is very unlikely. I believe the expression “scraps floating around space” best describes one’s state in this case.

Q. 意識の流れの中で、日本の国が重要な位置にあると言われています。それは、なぜですか? また、日本がなくなったあと、意識の流れの中で大きな役割を果たすのはアメリカだと聞いています。それは、なぜですか?

A. 意識の流れは、次元移行を伝えています。次元移行に向けて意識の流れは粛々として仕事をしています。次元移行は、全宇宙とともにという旗印のもとに予定通り遂行されます。全宇宙とともにということですから、宇宙を目覚めさせなければなりません。そこで、まず、闇黒の宇宙の筆頭であるアマテラスに白羽の矢が立ちました。アマテラスと言えば、その意識が具現化した日本の国です。まずはここから、意識の流れのメッセージを発信するという仕事がありました。日本の国で目覚めを起こし、そして、基礎を固め、そのまま満を持して次元移行を達成するという計画です。

Q. I heard that Japan serves an important role in the flow of consciousness.
  Why is that? In addition, I heard that, after Japan collapses, the United States of America will serve an important role. Why is that?

A. The flow of consciousness is advancing toward dimensional migration. The flow of consciousness is quietly working its way toward dimensional migration. Under the flag of the entire universe, preparations are being made for dimensional migration. Since the entire universe will be dimensionally migrating, we need to awaken all universes. That is why Amaterasu, the chief dark universe, must awaken. Speaking of Amaterasu, Japan is a materialization of Amaterasu’s consciousness. Therefore, the message of the flow of consciousness needed to be disseminated from Japan. The plan is to awaken the entire universe starting with Japan, lay a firm foundation for dimensional migration, and then eventually begin the migration.

Finally, 250 years from now, the migration will begin in the United States of America, a multiethnic and multireligious country. That is the plan of the flow of consciousness and I believe there are no other reasons than the above.

Q. 今世があって、過去世も来世も、今の自分にあると言われていますが、

A. 今のあなたの心を見てください。あなたの中から出てくる思いをしっかりと見てください。その思いは、今のあなたの思いだと思っておられるかもしれませんが、果たしてそれはどうでしょうか。今のあなたというのは、何なのでしょうか。肉が自分だと思っておられる限り、今のあなたは、目に見えるあなたおひとりでしょう。しかし、あなたの本質は過去から未来へ続く流れの中にある意識、波動、エネルギーだということですから、今あなたが思っている思いは、過去のあなたの思いでもあり、未来のあなたの思いでもあるということになりはしませんか。だから、今、あなたがあなたの心を見て、その思いを正しい方向に向けていけば、過去のあなたの思いも、未来のあなたの思いも方向転換をしていくことになります。

Q. We are told that besides our current selves, our past selves and future self also exist inside us; how can we tell whether that is truly so?

A. Please look into your heart. Please reflect on your thoughts that come to you from inside you. You may think that such thoughts are of your current self, but are you sure of that? Who is “your current self?” As long as you believe you are your physical body, “your current self” should most likely mean you who you can see with your eyes. However, your true self is a consciousness, vibration, and energy that exists from the past and continues into the future. “Your thoughts” that you currently have are also those of your past selves and future self. Therefore, if you now look into your heart and adjust your thoughts to the correct direction, the thoughts of your past selves and future self will also point in the correct direction.

You ask how you can tell whether all this is true; you will be able to tell, if you make a Copernican turn.

Q. なぜ、今世から来世へ繋げていく必要があるのですか?

A. 初めて意識の流れを肉を通して伝えていただいたのが今世だからです。今世を境にして、意識の世界の変革がなされていきます。だから、なぜ繋いでいく必要があるのかというよりも、その意識の流れをそれぞれがそれぞれのこれからの転生へ必ず繋いでいってくださいということなんです。繋いでいかなければ、宇宙のもくずとなって、気の遠くなるような時間、苦しみの中彷徨い続けていくでしょうと言われています。このことは決して根拠のないあやふやなものではないんです。みんなあなたの心で分かります。意識の流れに思いを向けて、そこから伝わってくる思いを聞いてみてください。

Q. Why is it necessary to form a link between this lifetime and the next?

A. That is because this lifetime was when we learned about the flow of consciousness for the first time. With this lifetime serving as a turning point, the world of consciousness will start a reform. Therefore, it is not a question of “why it is necessary to form a link between this lifetime and the next”; rather, the important thing is for everyone to pass on what they learned about this study this lifetime when they transmigrate to their next life. Unless we carry on what we learned this lifetime to the next, we will become scraps of space and float around in the depths of pain for an overwhelmingly long time. What I am saying is not without good grounds. Everyone can tell with their heart. Please turn your thoughts toward the flow of consciousness and listen to its messages.

Q. なぜ、250年後なのですか?

A. 250年後ときちんと決まっているわけではありません。また、いつから数えて250年後なのかという質問も出てきそうです。数字で、250年後、300年と示されていますが、あまりそこにこだわらないでください。

Q. Why is the flow of consciousness planning the dimensional migration
 to take place 250 years from now?

A. I do not know whether it is exactly 250 years from now. In addition, I assume some may ask “250 years starting which day?” It may be 250 years from now, or it could be 300 years; please do not be too particular about that.

However, I do know that it is not that long away in Earth time. We have been transmigrating on Earth for some hundred million years. Compared to that, 250 to 300 years is a short time. Please take those numbers, i.e. 250 to 300 years, to mean that the time for dimensional migration to take place is already right around the corner and we do not have much time left.

Q. 「天変地異」が「喜びのエネルギー」とはどういうことですか?

A. 天変地異が起こってくれば、私達に様々な影響が出てきます。天変地異は、容赦なく私達の生命と財産を奪っていきます。一瞬のうちに天国から地獄へ真っ逆さまです。悲しみや絶望、不安、恐怖等々の暗い思いの中に、一瞬のうちに私達を突き落としていく天変地異の何が、どこが喜びのエネルギーだというのか、到底理解できませんということでしょう。それはそうです。形ある世界に生きている、形ある世界がすべてだと思う思いの中では、天変地異というものは忌み嫌われるべきものになってしまいます。

Q. How can natural disasters be energies of joy?

A. Natural disasters will affect us in various ways. They will mercilessly take our life and assets. They will cast us down from heaven to hell in an instant. I assume you don’t understand why such natural disasters that cast us down into sadness, despair, anxiety, and fear in an instant can be energies of joy. Of course, you don’t. As long as you live in the physical world, thinking that the physical world is all that matters, you will hate and want to avoid natural disasters.

However, we do not live in the physical world. It is wrong to think that the physical world is all that matters.

As long as you take the physical world as the basis of your life, all such phenomena that destroy the physical world as natural disasters will seem negative. On the other hand, if you see the physical world as a shade of the world of thoughts and consciousness, i.e. the basis of your life, and feel the energies of natural disasters, you will see that natural disasters are not negative energies.

In short, whether one views natural disasters as negative energies or positive energies depends on which world one takes as his/her basis of life.

Q. 信じようとしているのですが、「次元移行」とか「250年後」とか言われても、自分にとっては非現実な世界のことのようにしか思えません。時間という壁に取り囲まれているようで、胸落ちするような実感には到りません。何か突破口になるような方法はないのでしょうか?

A. 母の反省をしてください。母の反省を通して、本当の母の意識、その波動に心で触れてください。その波動とは温もりです。そして、母の温もりが自分の中にあったと本当に心で感じられたならば、その中で、宇宙を思う瞑想をやってみてください。ただし、繰り返しますが、その瞑想は母の温もりをしっかりと心で知ったうえでやるようにしてください。

Q. I am trying to believe in this study but such concepts as “dimensional migration” and “250 years from now” sound too impractical to me.
The problem might be that I can only think of years within my lifetime; anyway, I do not feel very convinced of those two concepts. Is there some way for me to make better sense of them?

A. Please reflect on your thoughts toward your mother. Please feel with your heart your mother’s true consciousness and vibrations, i.e. warmth. When you be able to feel with your heart that your mother’s warmth existed inside you, please move on to meditating while turning your thoughts toward your universe. However, please note that you must first be able to feel your mother’s warmth.

Through meditating while turning your thoughts toward your universe, you will begin to feel that you have existed since way before coming to Earth. When you come to truly know your heart’s history, such concepts as “dimensional migration” and “250 years from now” will no longer seem impractical. The flow of consciousness exists for sure. As I’ve already repeatedly said, however, this is something that can only be felt with one’s heart. There is a world that we can feel with our heart, a world that can only be felt and understood with our heart, the world of consciousness and vibrations.