6. なぜ生まれてきたのか? / Why were we born?


  This is a fundamental question that we all must have wondered about once. Some of us may have forgot or could be trying to forget about it.
  In this section, Ms. Kayo Shiokawa will offer some messages from the world of consciousness as clues to this fundamental question that can only be answered by looking into one’s heart.

Q. 私たちは、なぜ生まれてきたのですか?

A. 私達は、本当の自分に出会いたくて生まれてきます。苦しみの淵から自分を救い出したくて生まれてきます。私に肉をくださいと、母の意識にお願いして生まれてくるんです。誰しもがそうだったけれど、現実に肉という形を持てば、そんなことはすっかり忘れ去ります。生まれたくなかったとか、親の勝手で生まれてきたとか、子は親を選べないとか、散々な思いを吐き出す人もいます。しかし、知ってください。あなたの心で分かってください。肉を持つことを切望してきた自分の思いに触れてみてください。

Q. Why were we born? In what state were we before we were born?

A. We were born because we wanted to come to know our true selves. We were born because we wanted to save ourselves from the depths of pain. To be born, we asked our mother’s consciousness to give us a physical body. We all forget this when we actually come to have a physical body. Some people even snarl that they didn’t want to be born, that they were born only because their parents wanted them, or that children don’t have a choice over their parents. However, please know the truth with your heart; please feel your thoughts desperate about being given a physical body.

Before being born or entering your mother’s womb, all of us were suffering in the depths and depths of pain. You should be able to know this with your heart as well. If you are able to feel how much you struggled to rise from the depths and depths of pain, you should be able to clearly see how happy you must be since you came to know this study. In other words, you will not know the answer to your question unless you are able to feel the truth with your heart.

Q. 私は、なぜ、今生きているのですか?

A. あなたがお母さんの反省をしていくと分かります。

Q.Why am I alive? Why do I have to live? Why can’t I die at will?

A. You will know the answers, if you keep reflecting on your thoughts toward your mother.

How desperately you wanted a physical body. If you feel yourself screaming out, “Please give me birth!”, your heart will let you know why you have to live and why you can’t die at will.

Your heart will let you know how arrogant of you it is to wonder why you have to live and why you can’t die at will.

Q. 生は何をするためにあるのですか? 何のために生きているのでしょうか?

A. 人生の目的ですね。私達人間は何度転生の機会をもらっても、本当の人生を生きることは叶わなかったのです。何のために生きているのかという素朴な問いかけに、自ら答えを出すことができずに、苦しんできました。わが世の春と人生を謳歌した転生も確かにあったかもしれません。しかし、私はそれにノーの判断を下します。わが世の春と謳歌したのは、ほんの一瞬でした。そしてその思いの裏側があったんです。喜び一色ではなかったことを感じています。喜びの裏には、死んでいく恐怖と不安、執着の思いなど、様々な暗い重い思いを抱えて、表面的にはわが世の春を満喫しているという何とも矛盾した私達だったのではないでしょうか。

Q. What is life for?  What are we living for?

A. You must be asking about the purpose of life. Although we were given so many chances while transmigrating, we were unable to live our true life. We have been suffering, unable to answer our own simple question “what are we living for?” While transmigrating, there were lives that gave us joy, lives that we considered our best. However, I say “No.” to such lives. Such lives only last for an instant. In addition, we had other thoughts besides joy. Joy was not the only feeling we had. We also felt the fear of death, an obsession with life, and many other dark depressing thoughts. We seemed as if we were enjoying such lives to our full but also felt such contradictory feelings.

With no idea about the world after death, we suffered the misery of death again and again. I wish we can come to know what we must truly do while we’re alive and then die, or leave our physical bodies behind, this time thinking, “I had a wonderful life. Death is also joy.”

Q. コペルニクス的転回とは、どういうことですか?

A. 世間でいうところの、いわゆるコペルニクス的転回は、すでにご承知の通りです。その考えを、学びにも応用してみましょうということです。

Q. What do you mean by a Copernican turn?

A. You must already know what the Copernican Revolution means. We applied that paradigm shift to this study and called it a Copernican turn.

The important thing in this study is how much progress one makes in his/her turn of consciousness, which means to change one’s basis of life from the physical world to the world of consciousness.

We have believed the physical world to be our true basis of life and been forming our thoughts and making our decisions based on such basis. The idea of a Copernican turn is to take the world of consciousness and vibrations as the true world, of which the physical world is only a shade, and see, think, and make decisions based on such basis. The physical world does indeed provide us with a feeling of reality, one that convinces us that we exist. However, the physical world is only a shade of the world of consciousness. It is a world that seems to exist but does not. On the other hand, the world of consciousness seems to not exist but does. Whether what I’m saying is true or not can only be felt by one’s heart. Your heart must honestly be telling you the truth. If it is suffering with pain, it must be telling you why it is. What does this mean? It means that you in fact already know everything. By “you,” of course I do not mean the fake you who thinks your physical body is you.

Q. 肉体細胞が愛を流してくれているとはどういうことですか?

A. 体細胞は愛そのものだということです。その肉体細胞に支えられて、今の私達があることを、どれだけの人が心で気付いておられるでしょうか。

Q. What do you mean our body cells give us love?

A. I mean that our body cells are themselves love. Not many people know with their heart that we exist because our body cells support us.

Fortunately, we have already practiced turning our thoughts toward our body cells. You must already know what kind of vibrations your body cells are sending you. Even body cells sick and decaying keep sending us awakening messages until their last moment. They do so because they’re love. Because they are love, they only send us love. Please know that the present is a time of joy since we can look into our heart together with our body cells. Although we have been wrong for long, please feel the vibrations and kindness of your body cells as much as you can.

Q. 私たちは、なぜ死んでいくのですか?

A. 肉体細胞というのは、有限の世界のものです。だからいずれはその形が消滅します。しかし、肉体細胞の本質は意識です。愛です。その形は朽ち果てても、愛として存在しています。肉体細胞に支えられて、肉という形を持っている私達のこの肉体も同様です。有限の世界のものです。だから、肉体の機能はいずれ衰えやがて止まります。肉体という形を持って生まれてきた私達は、その形を捨てなければならない時が必ずやってくるのです。それを私達は死と言っています。肉という形を捨てていくだけです。私達は、意識、波動、エネルギーですから、死んでも死なないということになります。したがって、私達は肉体細胞の消滅とともには消滅しません。

Q. Why do we die? Do we also die when our body cells die?

A. Body cells belong to the finite world. Therefore, their physical forms will eventually cease to exist. However, essentially, they are consciousnesses; they are love. Even after their physical forms cease to exist, they will exist as love. The same goes for our physical bodies supported by cell bodies. Our bodies also belong to the finite world. Therefore, our body’s physical functions will weaken and eventually stop working. Born with a physical body, we will eventually have to leave our physical bodies behind. That is what we call death. Death merely means to leave one’s body behind. We are consciousnesses, vibrations, and energies, so even though we will die, we will not cease to exist. Therefore, we do not die when our cell bodies die.

Q. 死後の世界はありますか? それはどんな世界ですか?

A. 死後の世界はあります。しかし、その死後の世界は、いわゆる天国か地獄かというものではありません。天国どころか、死後の世界は地獄一色です。天国に召された、安らかに眠っておられる、こんなことは全くのでたらめです。過去、自分の本質に出会うことが叶わなかった私達人間の状態は、死んではっきりとするのです。肉が自分だとする思いは、死ねば、その思いによって、自分を封じ込めていきます。つまり、暗くて寂しくて冷たい中に自分を押し込めて、固まっていくのです。そんな状態が天国と言えるのでしょうか。だから、本当は、自分の本質、つまり本当の自分を捨て去って忘れ去って偽物の自分を自分だとしてきたという過ち、間違いに、生きている間に、つまり肉を持っている間に心で分かっていくことが、何よりも自分にとっての救いなんです。そのことが心で分からなければ、生きても地獄、死んでも地獄ということです。生きているか死んでいるかの違いは、肉を持っているか持っていないかの違いだけです。

Q. Is there a next world? If there is, what kind of place is it?

A. There is a next world. However, it is neither a so-called heaven nor hell. While there is nothing heavenly about it, it could be described as a complete hell. “He/she is now in heaven,” “He/she is now sleeping in peace,” and etc. are all rubbish. Failing in the past to come to know our true selves, the state of ourselves will become clear when we die. When we die, our thoughts that we are our physical bodies will confine us. In other words, we will confine ourselves in darkness, loneliness, and coldness until we freeze. Could we call such a state heaven? That is why there is nothing more self-saving than realizing with your heart, while you’re still alive, your mistake of believing your fake self to be yourself and disposing of and forgetting your true self. Unless you realize this with your heart, whether alive or dead, you are in hell. The difference between life and death is whether you have a physical body or not.

Q. 「本当のあなた」とは何ですか?

A. 本当のあなたは喜びです。喜び以外のなにものでもありません。一方、偽物のあなたは、その心に喜び以外のたくさんの暗くて重い思いを抱えています。そしてそんな自分を自分だと思い続けているから、本当のあなたと言っても、ピンときません。どこか遠い世界のお話であって、現実味を感じられないんです。それよりも偽物の自分のほうが身近で親しみやすいんです。だから、偽物の自分を広げていくというか膨らませていく方向に、生きてしまうのです。

Q. What is “your true self?”

A. Your true self is joy. It is nothing other than joy. On the other hand, your fake self carries in his/her heart everything other than joy, i.e. a lot of dark depressing thoughts. Since you believe that you are your fake self, you don’t understand what is meant by “your true self.” To you, it sounds unreal as if it comes from a fairy tale from a far away world. Your fake self feels more real and like yourself. That is why your heart tends to enlarge and expand your fake self throughout life.


A. それをあなたの心で感じてください。感じられるようなあなたに成長してください。すべてはあなたの心の中でしか分かりません。しかし、あなたの心で感じていけば、ああ、自分の中にも、こんな世界があったんだ、こんな世界を心にずっと広げていけば、本当に幸せだなあとあなたの心で分かってきます。人を恨んだり憎んだり蔑んだり妬んだり、怒ったり、不安や恐怖や心配の思いを膨らませていく毎日よりも、自分の中の優しさ、温もり、安らぎを信じていく毎日のほうがいいでしょう。生きていれば色々とあって、それはそのほうがいいに決まっているけれど、そんなこと夢のまた夢と思っておられるならば、どうぞ、たった今から、真剣に学びをしてください。自分の心の中の出来事です。いくらでも変えていけるんです。

Q. What is true kindness, warmth, and peace?

A. Please feel those feeling with your heart. Please be able to feel them. Everything about this study can only be understood with your heart. However, once you start to understand it with your heart, you will know that the world of consciousness exists in you and feel the true happiness of expanding such world inside your heart. Rather than holding grudge against people, hating others, looking down on people, envying others, getting upset, or feeling anxious, fear, or worried every day, wouldn’t every day be better if you believed in the kindness, warmth, and peace inside yourself. If you think since all kinds of things happen in life, it would be better if that was possible but it’s impossible, please begin studying seriously. Everything is about things that happen inside you; everything can, therefore, be changed.